WEARABLE ART HAND PAINTED BAG – Midnight – By Tom Prinsell

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  • Metallic  smooth exterior
  • Flat leather top handles
  • Open top
  • Includes detachable clutch
  • Detachable/ Adjustable Shoulder Strap
  • Vegan Leather



Categories: , , ID: 2788


  • This product has the guaranteed seal of one of one Telamoda wearable art hand painted bag;
  • The product is the unique artistic creation of Tom Prinsell, a Telamoda artist, and would not be re-created.
  • Acrylic Paint on leather bag and sealed with our special sealant
Tom Prinsell is a prolific young artist out of New Jersey with a passion to bridge the gap between exotic and ordinary. His wearbale art hand painted bags and paintings explore the experience of suburban and urban life. Using flat, vibrant colors, portrayals of privileged discomfort on hand painted wearable art clothing and accessories invite the viewer to draw their own conclusion. His work on the wearable art hand painted bags are modern and tastefully executed.  Tom’s creations  of wearable art hand painted items on our bags as one of a kind and unique collectable items are very well received. 

Click on the images for larger view:
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